Thursday, May 28, 2015

Simple Carbs and Post Workout

For majority of the day, I would always recommend trying to steer clear of sugars as much as possible. However, there is one time when simple carbohydrates (sugars) are super beneficial, and that is with your post-workout protein! 
When your muscles are broken down and your energy stores are depleted after your training session, you want to get super fast digesting whey protein in your system right away (I recommend anywhere from 25-50 grams). But you also want that protein to flood your muscles as efficiently as possible. This is where simple carbs come into play. When you ingest fast-digesting simple carbs with your post-workout protein, the insulin release will help drive the protein into your muscle cells better! 
You also need not worry about those simple carbs being stored and converted to fat, because they will be quickly utilized to replenish your depleted glycogen stores! 
You want to take a simple carb that is easily digested and utilized by the body. My recommendation is dextrose. This can be in the form of fat-free candies, Gatorade, or straight dextrose powder (which is what I use). I recommend 40-60 grams post workout. Train hard! 

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