Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Supplementation and Fitness!

Supplementation! Let me start by saying that if you are a sedentary individual, or someone who does not go hard in the gym consistently, this post really does not apply to you. That being said, here we go...
Supplementation is a very important part of a person's fitness endeavor. However, the type of supplements you need can vary, depending on your goals i.e. gaining leaning muscle, burning fat, performance, etc. If you have questions about what types of supplements you can benefit from, just reply in the post thread! For purposes of the general fitness public, I recommend taking the following supplements:
1. Whey protein- fast digesting, good anytime of day, best for post-workout.
2. Casein protein- super slow digesting, best at night before bed to keep a steady stream of protein flowing through the body while at rest.
3. Multivitamin- Most people do not eat a diet with a wide enough variety of foods to obtain the amounts of crucial vitamins and minerals needed, especially for the athlete/weight lifter/etc.
4. Fish oil- supplementing with fish oil (capsules or liquid) provides the body with the essential fatty acids (EFA'S) DHA and EPA which are critical for muscle growth, along with a host of other benefits.
5. ZMA- zinc and magnesium can be taken separately, or in the form of ZMA (zinc magnesium aspartate). ZMA MUST be taken on an empty stomach, and the preferred time is an hour or so before bed. Zinc and magnesium can help facilitate muscle growth, fat loss, and in some people, better sleep! Side note** you do NOT want zinc and magnesium in your multivitamin, so make sure you look closely! The image below will direct you to the maker of my protein, multivitamin, and ZMA!
Train hard!

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