Friday, December 13, 2013

Food of The Day- Quinoa!

Quinoa (think keen-wa), commonly referred to as an "ancient grain," is actually a super seed! It cooks and tastes like a grain so most people would not think of it as being seed-like. It is hands down, my favorite complex carbohydrate, and is a true super food. Quinoa is a great source of complex carbohydrates, and gives you a few grams of fiber as well. But the true miracle of Quinoa lies in its protein content. Quinoa is made up of a complete protein (containing all essential amino acids). 

Animal products and by-products (think eggs, meats, etc.) are the foods we associate with having complete proteins. Not only is it rare for a complex carbohydrate to give you 5-6 grams of protein per serving, but for that protein to be "complete" is truly amazing!

Quinoa tastes great, and cooks fast (think 15 minutes to brown rices' 45 minutes)! My favorite is the red quinoa, but any color is good for you. Buy Organic, and enjoy this ancient Incan miracle! 

I hope you reach your destination, but your journey is what really counts! Until next time... L.D.

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