Monday, December 16, 2013

Food of The Day- Ezekiel Bread!

Normally I tell my clients to avoid bread altogether, as wheat in itself does not do much good for the body (especially if it is not organic). Ezekiel bread from Food For Life is the exception! Ezekiel bread is perfect for a morning source of carbohydrates. I have a slice every morning with Earth Balance peanut butter coconut spread. Ezekiel comes in a variety of flavors (regular whole wheat, sesame, cinnamon raisin, flax seed, etc.). I like the sesame seed the best.

First off, Ezekiel bread is organic! So you know you are not getting a product that contains GMO ingredients. The benefits of Ezekiel are in the process in which it is made. Unlike regular bread, Ezekiel contains NO flour. It is comprised of 6 grains and legumes that give it amazing nutritional benefits. These live sprouted grains make Ezekiel bread a complete protein! So not only does it contain more protein than we would come to expect from bread, but the protein is complete (containing all 9 essential amino acids). This makes Ezekiel bread almost 85% as efficient as dairy or eggs in terms of a protein source.

Because the grains in Ezekiel are sprouted, the starch is broken down into simple sugars making it easier to digest. The combination of sprouted grains and legumes make it a good source of fiber as well. Sprouted grains also allow the body to absorb the minerals more efficiently, and increases vitamin C and some of the B vitamins.

The next time you are having a craving for a carb such as bread, opt for nutrient dense Ezekiel; a bread that contains NO flour, NO refined sugars, and a ton of nutritional benefits!

I hope you reach your destination, but your journey is what really counts! Until next time... L.D.

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