Here is the best advice I can give you: change the mindset. If you know that in just a couple of weeks you are resolving to make major strides in your fitness and nutrition, then why make it that much harder for yourself by gaining 5 or 10 pounds just for a couple of weeks of gluttony? The trick lies in starting to work harder now. Do not wait even two more weeks. Consider having the mindset that for the next two weeks, you are going to "prime" your body for the big push in the new year. I promise you the benefits will far out way the cost (cost being hard work).
Now this does not mean you cannot indulge, splurge, enjoy your holiday season. Have a delicious Christmas day brunch. Ring in the new year drinking cocktails with family and friends. But for the other 11 days before January 1st...kill it! Go hard with your fitness routine. Stay consistent and dedicated to a solid foundation starting with your nutrition. Do this, and not only will you be able to start the new year without having gained more weight, but you may be surprised to see you have actually lost a pound or two!
If you are one of the millions who will dedicate 2014 to building a healthier, stronger, better looking physique, then what better way to start off than by already losing weight! I wish you all the happiest of holidays, and a prosperous new year! Train hard, and strive to make progress as a person in any way possible!
I hope you reach your destination, but your journey is what really counts! Until next time... L.D.