Thursday, August 19, 2010

Goals, Priorities, and Motivation

Unless you are part of the 1% that eat, sleep, and breathe fitness, you have a life full of commitments that occupy your time. These commitments may be work, school, family, etc. These commitments will always be there, and you cannot use them as a popular excuse for not having time to dedicate to fitness and nutrition. If you are looking to get in shape, you should first decide what your goals are, and there a many of them. Whether it is losing weight, gaining muscle, increasing strength, increasing cardio endurance, eating healthier, or simply maintaining your current fitness and nutrition level- define your goals.

The first step to reaching your desired outcome is to set goals; both short term and long term. You will then have something to strive for, and it will be easier to track your progress, see your improvements, and see what needs work. A long term goal could be to lose 30lbs. A short term goal could be to lose 2lbs a week. A long term goal could be completing a 5K, 10K, marathon, etc. A short term goal could be to increase your running distance by a half mile every week. These are just a few examples, but they are all goals you can set for yourself to track your progress.

Once you have set fitness and/or nutrition goals for yourself, you need to get REAL with yourself and ask yourself where these goals lie on your list of priorities. Of course you have a commitment to work, school, family, etc., but the only way you are going to reach your fitness goals is to place them high on your priority list and accept the fact that no matter what other obligations you have in life, you must create space and time for your fitness/nutrition goals, or you will never reach them- plain and simple. It is much easier to get in a routine of saying "you don't have time," or your "too tired" to focus on exercise and nutrition, than to actually make the time and commitment, so naturally, this is what you do.You create excuses. The fact of the matter is that until you make the change and commit mentally, the physical will not change. You will not lose weight, you will not gain muscle, you will not eat better, you will not increase your cardio get the picture.

Find your motivator. Maybe you want to look better on the outside. Maybe you want to feel better on the inside and know that you are making healthy choices. Maybe you want to get stronger, faster, etc. Whatever it may be, find your driving force. Make a plan of action. Place this plan high on your list of priorities. Use your motivating factors to follow through and achieve your goals. If you have never worked out, or are currently on a long layoff, your goals are going to seem like they are miles away at first. Working out and eating right is not going to be fun (especially if you do not naturally enjoy them). This is the reality, and something you are just going to have to deal with. But let me tell you, it WILL get easier. It WILL become part of your routine, your lifestyle, and easier to manage, if you set short term goals for yourself, prioritize, and follow through. When you achieve a short term goal, set a new one. Reaching your short term goals will eventually lead you to success with your long term goals. Do not ever stop striving for success, and do not ever think of fitness and nutrition as a means to an end or a quick fix. It is a lifestyle. It is something that you should incorporate into your life and never stop. Your body will thank you, and you will reap the benefits. Don't forget, there are always people like me to help you along the way. Set goals, make them a priority, and get motivated. Good luck, and I wish you nothing but the best on your journey!


  1. Thanks bud! I am a realist with my clients; I say "look, you have goals- either do what it takes to reach them, or don't, it's that simple!"

  2. Lee,
    One of the ads attached to your blog has a picture of doughnuts. Does it count if my "goal" is to get one?? LOL

  3. Teri-
    Ha ha, I didnt even realize that. Unfortunately I don't have control of the ads. No doughnuts on your "goals" list please lol
